Capitalistic success is about making a profit. Bottom line in the society of business is profit. Focus and energy is aimed at, whatever it takes to make a profit. Some people may cross a line of deception in order to obtain their goals of financial success. Most people are hard working individuals seeking ways within the acceptable framework of marketing business for profit or financial success.
This focus towards profit is an efficient system maintaining a robust economy.
In my dictionary robotics comes after the word robust. Robotics is the science or technology of robots. A robot is a mechanical device operating automatically, in a seemingly human way.
The world now designs robots and computers, which are even more efficient than human beings.
The capitalistic focus is always moving towards
the most efficient designs to gather the greatest profit.
This focus or intention towards profit generates a successful world economy.
Robust is defined as strong and healthy. Is a person, acting like a robot, strong and healthy? According to our intention or mission, the answer is yes, because our focus is profit. What you put your attention to, grows stronger.
Focusing on love, compassion, and friendliness, is a human activity. Efficient robots cannot love. Love and profit are two wonderful elements we can enjoy in the living process.
Voluntarism and charity organizations seemingly focus on dual elements of love, and profit.
The mission is twofold, by human choice of desire.
Our choice to work in the capitalistic system is initially based upon fear of survival.
Do we live in a world designed around the survival technique of a dog eat dog world. Yes of course we do because the system works efficiently towards survival. The focus is survival.
Purpose in living is bent towards feeding the machine of capitalism. Marketing and advertising keeps us focused on the survival of the system of capitalism. This system is good for robot and human survival.
Do we choose to live to survive or do we choose to live by other means and goals.
The answer is simple; we want to survive in a loving world.
Are we living as robots in this present day society, meagerly focused on survival?
Yes we are focused and surviving in that conditional mode.
Our focus is survival conditioned by the standards of our present day society.
As a society, are we choosing greater fullness in living or
are we stuck into the habits and conditioning of the survival mode?
As human beings, a successful survival mode is the platform
from which we spring forward, to a greater end or fullness in living.
With capitalism, the means and the end are both one and the same.
The goal and focus of capitalism is a never ending process of acquisition.
The capitalistic system of design fails to move us beyond survival mode
onto more humanized levels of self actualization.
The machine can only provide food for the flesh while
the spirit still longs for what?
An example of a business marketing activator is, keeping up with the Jones carrot on a stick advertising.
Marketing within the system of capitalism is so creatively deceptive, we think we are what we buy and own.
Our friends also see us and judge us through the eyes of the market’s remedies for fulfillment.
The market has created the perfect human robot,
designed to perpetuate itself over and over and for what end;
survival of the market
. Remember, the markets prime goal is profit, not your fulfillment.
The capitalistic market is a positive entity on our culture. As a culture we are not yet far enough evolved to create a better system than capitalism, so we are stuck with it for the time being. Personal growth and evolution of a society may bring on better systems of commerce, in time.
The purpose of the market is to exist and survive
.If your purpose is to only exist and survive than the market will complete you.
If you want more in life than the market can provide
one needs to step outside of a false self,
take a breath and step back into your purpose for living.
Would you rather, your intention for living, come from inside yourself?
Higher purpose living is a calling, found within the listener, not the market.
The market has us focused towards its survival.
Our intention sets us free to choose our personal destiny,
utilizing the market as an aid, not an addiction, in the discovery process.
Yes I am suggesting
you do not have a completely controlled mind of your own in operation.
The market is a powerful conditioning agent in its own behalf
and we are all affected to a major degree.
One does not have to abandon the joys of materialism to gain self recognition.
All one has to do is to listen and focus onto your quiet intuitions
before giving yourself up to societal pressures and influences.
Unconscious living relinquishes power of thought
over to the business marketing forces of capitalism.
The market will keep your mind occupied and engaged towards its survival and successful growth.
If one chooses to play into the game of acquisition without discrimination of thought
then ones psyche can be manipulated and controlled outside of one’s desire and expectation.
Your personal life story is strongly influenced and controlled by market forces.
Marketing and advertising techniques involving jealousy and envy,
position weak minded individuals into desiring and purchasing products of illusion.
Diamonds, cosmetic creams and clothing are prime examples of expensive fantasy items of illusion.
The market wants you to believe and hold true, the messages about said products.
Business will argue the benefits but they are all still created illusions of benefit,
they need you to believe for their survival, not your fulfillment.
Thousands of products add up to a whole lot of illusion which makes up your personal vision of life, if you buy into it. We all enjoy the countless products available, but how much of our personal living habits are controlled by this mechanism. One only needs to leave a country for vacation and realize how their culture affects personal bias.
The purpose of this discussion is to
bring awareness of position to our unconscious selves
about the routines and conditions of containment we survive.
Be unattached and still use the market as your tools of enrichment towards self expression.
Blindly plugging into market forces without discrimination
will lead one into an illusion of self addictive behavior.
Choosing one’s own thought process in decision making requires inner reflection.
The risk is choosing to go with what feels right inside for your self.
Listen to that quiet subtle inner voice.
Be a pioneer and create a fresh, self oriented path of discovery.
The difference being, you take yourself off auto pilot control tower.
Simplifying life is a tool for clarity.
Each individual has a comfort zone style for living.
Balance and moderation in all things are healthy perspectives.
Who’s life is it anyway, yours or theirs.
Dave Ryan
Copyright, 2009, all rights reserved.
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